Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bank Deal Monday

I just realized that yesterday was "Bank Deal Monday" and I didn't post a bank deal. Shame on me. So here's the weekly deal (albeit a day late)...

$125 cash bonus for opening a Chase checking account.

In order to qualify for the $125 you have to:

1) Open the account with a minimum $100 deposit.

2) Set the account up with direct deposit OR make 5 debit card transactions per month

3) Keep the account open for at least 6 months.
For $125, that's a pretty sweet deal. If 5 debit transactions with the debit card will drive you mad, direct deposit is probably the better option on requirement #2. Although you could have your paycheck be deposited into the account (or a portion of it) you could also use paypal for direct deposit. You simply have to move some money from your paypal account into the Chase account. This will count as direct deposit. I know, it's a cool tip.

I'm jealous of you guys because when I signed up for this deal a few months ago, the reward was $100. I signed both my wife and I up so we ended up with 200 benjamins. But still, $250 would have been very nice.

This promotion is only available to existing Chase customers OR individuals who have been referred by Chase customers. Lucky for you, I'm a Chase customer and can give you a referral.
If you're a Chase customer (credit card or banking), sign into your account online and then click here.

If you're not a Chase customer, shoot me an email at youngcashcow(at)gmail(dot)com or leave a comment with your email address and I will gladly send you a code. I only have 10 of these and they will go fast. So, if I give it to you, USE IT. I'm out - YCC

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About Me

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I'm just a young guy, working hard (but not too hard) as a full-time teacher. I survived college without accumulating a penny of debt and have a decent nest egg saved up for retirement. Like my father and grandfather before me, I've been raised to earn, save, and spend wisely. I'm always on the look out for bargains, deals, promotions, financial tips and advice, economic news and anything else related to money. My goal is to let you in on everything that has served me well over the years financially, as well as all of my latest money discoveries. Enjoy!
Got a question for me? An idea for a blog entry? Shoot me an email at youngcashcow(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll be sure to respond asap!